- Detention is run by a teacher and usually takes place on Fridays after school for 1 hour.
- No work must be done during detention, except for during exam time.
- Teachers may put learners in detention, but only for so-called “School offences”.
- A list of such offences is found below.
- To put a learner in detention, teachers must tell the pupil clearly that he/she is in detention, and then enter his/her name, class and the exact offence in the detention list.
- Detention lists are read out during class teacher/mentor group period on Wednesday mornings and will be displayed in teachers' classes as well as on the learners' notice board.
- Learners who are placed in detention three times within a term will be interviewed by the Grade Head.
- Learners who reach six detentions are reported to the Deputy Principal and a letter will be written to the parents.
Whole School Offences (detention offence)
- Assembly default (talking, late etc.)
- Library default (late books, fines, misbehaviour etc.)
- Uniform default (hair, earrings, make-up, shirt out, wrong sport clothes etc.)
- Not bringing sport clothes
- Examination default (not attending study session)
- Building default (eating, misbehaviour, being in classrooms at incorrect times, loitering, noise etc.)
- Littering (classrooms, buildings and grounds)
- Not attending sport (practice or match)
- Not returning/bringing reply slip or absentee letter
- Late for school
- Swearing
- Misbehaviour in a substitute teacher’s class or during an extramural or exam session
- Not attending an extramural
Class Offences (to be dealt with by class teacher)
- Late for class
- Homework offence (copying, incomplete, not done)
- Classroom misbehaviour (noise, eating, drinking, chewing gum etc.)
- Disobeying instructions
- Defiance*
- Bunking class*
- Cheating in tests or plagiarism will be referred to the Academic Head
- Fighting in the classroom will be referred to the Deputy Principal
* 5 and 6 are serious offences and will be referred to the Grade Head