Detention Policy

  • Detention is run by a teacher and usually takes place on Fridays after school for 1 hour.
  • No work must be done during detention, except for during exam time.
  • Teachers may put learners in detention, but only for so-called “School offences”.
  • A list of such offences is found below.
  • To put a learner in detention, teachers must tell the pupil clearly that he/she is in detention, and then enter his/her name, class and the exact offence in the detention list.
  • Detention lists are read out during class teacher/mentor group period on Wednesday mornings and will be displayed in teachers' classes as well as on the learners' notice board.
  • Learners who are placed in detention three times within a term will be interviewed by the Grade Head.
  • Learners who reach six detentions are reported to the Deputy Principal and a letter will be written to the parents.
Whole School Offences (detention offence)
  1. Assembly default (talking, late etc.)
  2. Library default (late books, fines, misbehaviour etc.)
  3. Uniform default (hair, earrings, make-up, shirt out, wrong sport clothes etc.)
  4. Not bringing sport clothes
  5. Examination default (not attending study session)
  6. Building default (eating, misbehaviour, being in classrooms at incorrect times, loitering, noise etc.)
  7. Littering (classrooms, buildings and grounds)
  8. Not attending sport (practice or match)
  9. Not returning/bringing reply slip or absentee letter
  10. Late for school
  11. Swearing 
  12. Misbehaviour in a substitute teacher’s class or during an extramural or exam session
  13. Not attending an extramural
Class Offences (to be dealt with by class teacher)
  1. Late for class
  2. Homework offence (copying, incomplete, not done)
  3. Classroom misbehaviour (noise, eating, drinking, chewing gum etc.)
  4. Disobeying instructions
  5. Defiance*
  6. Bunking class*
  7. Cheating in tests or plagiarism  will be referred to the Academic Head
  8. Fighting in the classroom will be referred to the Deputy Principal

* 5 and 6 are serious offences and will be referred to the Grade Head