Claremont High School is a Mathematics and Science focused school with subjects on offer which are aligned with the priority of all pupils gaining university access based on success in mathematics and science.
In Grade 8 and 9 all pupils study subjects typical of all secondary school programs:
- English Primary Language (also the medium of instruction)
- Afrikaans or Xhosa First Additional Language
- Mathematics
- Natural Sciences (NS)
- Human and Social Sciences (HSS)
- Economic and Management Sciences (EMS)
- Technology (including Information Technology)
- Arts and Culture (A&C)
- Life Orientation (LO)
From Grade 10 – 12 all pupils study the following subjects:
- English
- Afrikaans or Xhosa First Additional Language
- Mathematics
- Physical Science
- Life Orientation
AND a choice of TWO of the following subjects:
- Life Science
- Accounting
- Geography
Afrikaans: Xhosa: Mathematics: Physical Science: Life Science: Geography: EMS/Accounting: Technology: |
Mr Wilson
Mrs Makok Mrs Godana Mrs Lowry Mrs Lantry Mr Sanders Mrs Niekerk Mrs Stanbul Mrs Kagee-Solomon |
History: |
Mrs Emdon |
Creative Arts: |
IT: Sport: Life Orientation: |
Mr Sanders Mr Chadwick Ms Kagee-Solomon |